Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A poor person cannot be healthy in Canada.

  Recently I realized that in a civilized country like Canada  a poor person cannot be healthy. It's a sad thing but it's true. And it's not all about food only.  Even if you are not that poor. It's not like you live on a street and have no idea when you next meal is going to happen.
  If you work minimum wage (and consider yourself lucky if you do because thousands cannot even have that!), and, as I said, if you have that minimum but you have some dependents or cannot work full time because of small kids etc, you are kind of doomed. And I will explain.
 We have lots of cheap foods going around. You are not going to starve, but you are going to be very malnourished and loaded with bunch of chemicals and fillers instead of wholesome food - sadly but that all cheap food is famous for.
   Regular tap water is fluoridated. Yes, I agree, it is safer, won't get some e coli, cholera or whatever you can get from contaminated water. But is it healthy, is it good for you? Of course not! As if a dose of chlorine in your water is not enough!  But do you have a choice if you are poor ? Of course not. You cannot possibly buy water in bottles, or put reverse osmosis into your kitchen. So you drink what you can. Same with other food.
  Juice, that stands for months on a shelf without spoiling, or bread, or milk or any other fresh product that lasts for months without noticeable changes - that does not sound natural. I have a package of bread on top of a microwave at work right now. Second month it has been there, no one bothers to throw it away, it still looks pretty good, I think somebody ate a piece of it yesterday. Is it a real bread, or is it just looks like one? If it walks like duck... no, not this time...
 Everything produced by our food industry looks exactly like food, even if it is not, even if it's dangerous like hell to consume it. And don't think you can get away, that you somehow can eat all that non-food and stay healthy.
  No amount of exercise will help, because food you put inside you every day is loaded with things that are pure chemicals and should be used for something else - to kill cockroaches for example, or rats, or bugs, but not your children, whom you give cola,"juice","milk","meat","snacks","water", "yogurt", clean their teeth with toothpaste that is loaded with same fluoride he just swallowed with his water. You put some sunscreen on him, that will be absorbed very quickly by his small body and is NOT good for anybody, especially children.
 And don't tell me that those things are safe. They are here because they are cheap to produce and they make good profit. And you need them as dog needs flees. One more child with cancer? One more poor old lady with Alzheimer? Who cares! We need our millions in profits.
 Recently I bought a toothpaste - all natural, no fluoride, no other bad stuff for $6 a piece. Regular 'Crest' you can buy for $1 on sale very often. Can a poor person afford that?
Same with shampoo. All natural  - $15, loaded with crap - $2. Free run chicken costs $19, regular chicken legs - poor people's meat -  $0.99 a pound. You can say, - what's your point? I don't know. Yes, we see more and more natural products around, but who can afford them? Not poor people for sure.
I know that it's very dangerous to be poor in Canada, no amount of free medicine or plenty of Shopper's Drug Marts on every corner can help. And doctor is not your friend. You have to help him to fill his own pockets, and if you and your children will be healthy, who is going to pay doctor's bills? He still needs to buy organic food for his children.
So, please, stay poor and sick for your doctor's sake. He really needs that money.
 But sorry,  this not about doctors. We should have plenty of cheap food in a civilized country, and it should be natural - as much as possible, and it is possible. People used to have food and preserve it for long time for centuries. I am sure, you do not need rat poison for that. That's my idea.

Friday, November 29, 2013

I have to confess: I never smoked ...

Yes, guys. I shamefully confess : I never smoked crack cocaine.
 I never smoked marijuana.
 I never even smoked  cigarettes.
You see how dull, uninteresting, non-contemporary I am?
 Shame on me!
 I cannot even look at myself in the mirror. Such a stupid person.
Where is my sense of adventure?
 My willingness to open new horizons, to go where no man went before, to experience inexperienced, to follow noble steps of our best?
Why can't I be like our best ones?The ones that rule us, ones that we vote for, ones that we see everyday in media, the decision makes, ones we voted for (have I said that already?).
Did I actually voted for that overfed, shameless, loudmouthed pig with famous last name that can do anything and say anything and no one can arrest him or just show him his real place in this world? No! This is my country too and I want to be proud of it because it's one of the best.
We just have to make rules that's are good for everybody, laws that are laws for everybody, never mind your position in a society - you have to follow the rules even if you are making them, especially if you are making them. You have to be the example for everybody. This guy is a bad joke, an embarrassing one. Because he does not give a damn about you and me and he should not be where he is.
That's what I think. That's my opinion. Take it or leave it. Just don't pretend it's not happening because it's happened already. And it's a shame on all us.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Being busy 24 hours - not possible!

        Sometimes it looks like I am working 24 hours. I know it is impossible and it's not true. I still sleep every night, but it is still very stressful life and I promised myself to go easy this year, to quit one job, to go to bed early, not to eat before going to bed - promises, promises...
 Well, I am still working 7 days a week. I do not eat after 9 pm. I still sleep less than 8 hours and my crazy cat keeps interrupting my very valuable sleep... I know, I know, it very dangerous.

  Sometimes I have to pay for my stressful lifestyle by high blood-pressure spikes, fibrillation attacks, what not. Well, I am just a human. I hate poverty. At the end of my month I have to have a couple of bucks in my account, extra I mean. I s it too much to ask? I still need my own place to live and I am sure it's reasonable wish, isn't it?

 And I am not going to count sheets of my bathroom tissue or dry and reuse my paper towel - no way. And I am still learning how to earn money om line, when I have time. What time? Sleeping time of course, what do you think? Well, I almost stopped cooking for myself. I buy canned sardines for lunch at work. There is always old fashioned oatmeal for breakfast or my old trusted friend fried egg with some quick salad from sealed plastic packages from supermarket, or with boiled potatoes on a side if I get lucky. Anything that does not take much time to cook.
   I read a lot when I can, it's my way of relaxation and not thinking about how stupid my life is because working like that is not good, even reckless and non productive and... stupid again. No one should work like that and I am not going to, may be just a little bit until I can afford not to, if i can... if I dare... if I'll be able to... I still need to save some money, those dirty pieces of paper that rules the world and my small life. I need them damn it, I really need them. Sorry, have to run. Time to go to work.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

These everyday things should be illegal in my opinion.

  We are so accustomed to certain environment, certain way of behavior that we do not see and comprehend sometimes what's going on under our nose. What these simple things do to us, to our senses, our health, our stability - mental and physical. As soon as people get used to have those things around that's it. You just cannot get rid of it no matter how bad it is. I'll explain.

 Every morning I get up and go to work. Yes, every morning, no weekend breaks for me right now.      Because I do not have days off, I am trying to find hours off, - time when I can unwind, breathe fresh air, think about something pleasant, call my friend, etc. I usually do not read on a bus. I am trying to close my eyes and relax, thinking about something other than work. Often I try to walk from my work  at least  part of my way, as it is far from the place I live and again just mentally concentrate on something nice and not to think about bad or mundane everyday things.

 People who travel north of Steeles in Toronto know how easy it is if you are using bus service. Very often I have to stand at the bus stop for 20 minutes or more waiting for a bus, usually I am surrounded by clouds of smoke from somebody who is equally waiting for the same bus and smoking right in front of me, or behind me. It does not matter, because we breathe the same air and I have to smoke together with him/her whether I like it or not. All I can do - step aside but I still can smell that foul poisonous stuff and inhale some of it too.When he or she finishes, the stub will be thrown on the ground and left there to pollute our big city and it's environment.

If I had  my wish I would make smoking illegal anywhere. That's it, no more, and if you smoke - pay big fine for pollution, for ruining your health and others' who are near you. Will it ever be possible? Not in my life time I am sure. People still think it's okay to smoke and leave that poisonous residue for birds and small animals on the ground. Who cares? I do, actually.

  I hate when people poison themselves with smoke, or with drinks like cola, that (they say) has some secret ingredient in it. I do not know about the secret one, but when I read all those things on a label they have to admit they put in it, I do not want anybody to drink it. It does not sound like a drink that's made for human consumption. That stuff should be illegal too. Drink coke - pay a fine, put it into your children mouths - pay even more. Though you'll probably pay for that later with their health ruined by you any way. Doctors will never tell you that . If you come to them with  complains about your health, they will speak about environment, general pollution, genetic problems, new age diseases,  and don't worry, they have pills for everything. But be prepared, if your child drinks cola, (diet, shmiet, any cola) - you are contributing to his ill health for sure. Drinking cola should be illegal. Period!
Do you call it progress?
These things should be illegal too. -  Almost every morning I go through local plaza to the bus stop. Those guys are working hard, making lots of noise, polluting environment with gasoline fumes from running motors, with very little effect as a result. They just blow dirt, dust, pieces of paper back into the air for poor passers-by to breathe in. A pair of rakes could do much better job, with much less pollution and damage to my ears. These instruments of torture should be thrown out into the garbage and not allowed to use. Ever!
                                              May be I am too naive, may be I
Do you have to eat me?
should see the progress and not complain.  But I do complain. I complain about things that don't have to exist in contemporary world, things that are
cruel, damaging and senseless like eating meat for example. That should be illegal too. Yes, yes, burger lovers! Just think for a moment, please. Every peace of meat was yesterday a living being, not human but still living and did not want to be dead and eaten by anybody.
This piece of meat could be running today around enjoying fresh air and sun and society of equal beings, not human but still beings and you took it away to satisfy your relentless hunger that could be easily satisfied without killing animals, without eating them. Do not say I am crazy, I just want you to think for your own good. There are other options. We can make our life better. We just have to stop for a moment and think about it, and may be start doing things differently and you know, smart thinking can never possibly be illegal, at least not in Canada as far as I know.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I did not buy a jar of stuffed olives yesterday though I wanted to...

Bag Stock Photo  Yes,I went to No Frills, as I wanted to buy something for my potato salad. I had some pickles, green onions at home and I decided to buy some pickled (marinated) olives as I like them with salads. I took a small jar, not expensive, nothing fancy, just stuffed green olives for a dollar something. I was about to put it into my shopping basket that already had some greens in it. But then I decided to read the label on the jar. I did not expect anything but salt, vinegar and olives. Boy, I had a surprise! Yes it said olives,vinegar,salt all right and 3 or four foreign sounding ingredients extra that sounded suspiciously like bunch of preservatives and something that had a brief commentary to it "to help maintain freshness". And what the heck is 'natural flavor'?
  Stupid me! I always thought that  only fresh, not spoiled food can maintain freshness. Do we need to swallow chemicals in order to eat unspoiled food? May be we should change the way we cook and preserve food instead of adding 'unfood' to it, what do you think?
 I tried to find another jar of olives. I checked different brands and more expensive ones to no avail. They all had 'unfood' in it. So I decided I can live without olives this time. May be next time somebody will sell me something that has just olives and vinegar, and salt. As it used to be. As it used to be in my old country where if there is not enough food you can buy at the store, you can go to a farmers market, check around and sure enough -  some old granny is selling her tasty preserves to people. I need that granny here in  Canada, because this monstrous conglomerate that's called Food Industry is selling me poison. One pinch at a time, here and there, in this and in that until I have cancer, or heart attack, or something equally nasty. Don't tell me it's okay, it's a small amount. It's not okay. People eat  lots of preserved food because it's fast, convenient and we just sometimes need time for something else, rather than spend our life in the kitchen preparing everything from scratch. You open a can and part of your meal is already prepared. Saves time for rest or study, or work for that matter. Give us that time but please, do not feed us 'unfood' - we deserve better, we earned it.

I found this label on Internet with right ingredients in it. That's how things should be. Organic or not.  I wonder how much these beauties cost though... Can I afford healthy food?


Monday, September 23, 2013

I do not want people to die for stupid reasons.

  Well, I do not want them to die at all. Let them live, all of them - clever and stupid, nice and no very, beautiful and ugly. Let them live and enjoy life. I know, I know, it's utterly impossible, we all have to die one way or another. You are blessed if you live in a country that has civilized laws and no war or hunger. Since I came to Canada I forgot what real hunger is. What happens when you come to a store and they do not sell any food there because there is no food on this given day. It never happens here. You can walk the streets at night and feel safe in most areas of a big city, and it's great too!
You can live here till very old age and be happy.
   But people still die young.http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/09/2-charged-in-canada-cyberbullying-case-that-ended-in-teen-girl-suicide/ They kill themselves young because they are very unhappy and don't know what to do.
   How does this happen that having food and nice clothes and good spacious comfortable home is not enough any more? Even being good looking and healthy is not enough. Why do we so pissed off with everybody and ourselves that nothing satisfies us and we are looking for some unrealistic perfection in everything and everybody and if we cannot find it we rather kill ourselves than live our ordinary "plain" lives? I am talking about all those 12-14-17 year-olds who are killing themselves just because somehow somewhere somebody insulted them too deeply, too unbearable for them to live. It's not supposed to happen. It is plainly wrong. Or is it just boredom? Or is it just that kids are too vulnerable and we grown ups keep forgetting about that?
   We are too busy with our jobs, businesses, our own problems, our health, stress, keeping up with society we live in. We need cars, houses, furniture, more furniture, clothes, more cars, our gadgets, aphones, bphones, cphones and so on...
   I remember times when apple was just a fruit and I did not need $500 to buy it. I always thought that having a car is a luxury and in the country I live in ( I am not talking about other countries I know nothing about) it is a necessity and status like university diploma sort of. Who cares if it puts you in total debt and in 5 years it will be total junk especially if you bought an old one, you still must have one. And if you have a brand new, it means you have a loan because who can buy a brand new car for cash?
  I waste lots of time just waiting for a bus every day and in bad weather it's not a joke. I am thinking every day: should I buy a car or should I move or change a job may be? Well we always have
problems in life - big and small, important, serious and trivial, easy to solve.
  There is no easy life for anybody. Why do we always try to be perfect and consciously or subconsciously demand it from our kids too? Or is it just our stress, we want so much and there is not enough time and look at him he's again left dirty dishes, or got poor report at school or did not call or... May be we should all have less, and stop being so perfect so much, and mainly stop demanding that perfection from others.
   May be we can have those slack days and those extra inches on our belly and not work 2-3 jobs and just spend some time with people we love, not in front of our gadgets  speaking to people who abuse us and our time so profoundly? Whom we don't even know? But who have authority, permission given by us to abuse and insult us and our children and to drive those innocent souls to suicide while those evil people are laughing and enjoying deadly effects they created? May be we all should find the way to be happy with less?
  From the advertisement: Black Gucci purse retails for 2000$
Yours for 1000$

Beige Gucci Abbey retail 800
Yours for 400

Burberry purse retail 800
Yours for 400                       
A purse for $400? And it is a discount?Who cares what label you have on it as long as it is convenient to use and looks nice?  We should stop, we should stop, it's not too late.We don't need that much stuff and that expensive.http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2012/12/28/ask-the-readers-why-will-you-teach-your-children-frugality/ Go and talk to your child, spend more time with him/her, show him who you are and how nice you can do things together. I am sure he needs that more than iphone even if he thinks differently now.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Drama: my unwanted pet.

Who needs me?
Yes, my dearest reader, I come to the point that my pet is unwanted, very unwanted as a matter of fact. How did it happen? Gradually, little by little my circumstances, my life has changed drastically from what it was, and now I have to make a very hard decision - to get rid of my pet or not. He became a source of my frustration, anger and god knows what else. Bad for me, bad for him and not good for the rest of my family.
  We adopted our cat from some shelter in a small town we were living at that time. He was a fully grown up cat. I did not know his background, his way of life before shelter and how long he stayed there but I am sure it was not cream and honey at all. By the way if you ever decide that you need a cat, please adopt one from shelter because it's a bad place for a cat. He needs freedom, ability to roam around and explore, not to sit in a cage. He is not a lizard or tarantula, he needs a lot of space to explore and to feel comfortable in it.
  Just, please, do not adopt a grown up pet, unless you are very gentle, patient with pets and people and other members in your family are the same - gentle and patient, because you'll need a lot of patience and love to give to an adopted animal. In my family it was not the case.
  We adopted our Homer(we gave him that name) to keep company to our another she-pet and from the very beginning she could not stand poor Homer. She hissed at him like a snake and tried to hit him and made sure he never came closer than a foot to her. She prevented him from eating his food whenever she could. She made him feel very unwelcome. It was just the beginning for poor Homer.
 He was outdoorsy type of a cat. At that time we were living in a big house in a small town where he could freely go outside and roam around our house and explore our big backyard. He was not stupid, he learned pretty fast his territory(our territory) and where his bread and butter was hidden(so to speak). He was not a quiet type of a cat, he was very vocal, but in a big house it was not a problem, and he was outside a lot, never mind weather (same as my children by the way).
  In ten years my children grew up, my husband lost his health and regretfully we lost our big old house and free roaming territory. We had to move to a big city to survive, with everybody crammed in a small apartment where you cannot go outside where and when you want to (at least if you are a cat).
 Since then Homer's companion (other cat) died from old age, people who paid attention to Homer moved. People who do not want to pay attention or do not have time for him are still there but... Who needs that 10 year old cat who meows all the time, who is bored to death sitting on the third floor of a small apartment without any escape to outside world?
  I understand, I pity him, but I do not have time for him and he understands that too, he is not stupid. He is extremely sensitive, and he cries, and cries, and cries... And he does not trust anybody, even me who feeds him. And I shout at him because I am tired and frustrated, because I work 7 days a week, because I leave house at 8am and come home at 8pm and I need rest. My poor unwanted unloved pet...
Where should I go?
 What can I do ? Shelter is not an option, they will keep him for a couple of days may be and then they will put him to sleep, because no one is going to adopt him. There are lots of cute little kittens without problems there. No one likes him at home. He is just an ordinary cat, black and white half-domestic scared cat  who annoys everybody. He just does not deserve to die and I feel responsible for him - he has been my pet for 10 years and  I cannot stand him most of the time. Such a drama....

Friday, July 5, 2013

Witch-hunt on your table.

Yes, nobody wants to be fat and ugly, right? Right! I agree completely, hundred %! And I am so happy that authorities finally are paying attention. That processed cr*p we are having in our fast food places, all that frozen packaged produce we are buying at supermarkets quickly loses it's taste. Literally. They put less and less salt in it. How wonderful, how smart!
  They told us that salt is bad for us, very bad. Now we can buy the same old processed  food substitute (sorry, cannot call it food) with same amount of different FDA approved legal poisons in it but LESS SALT.
  Finally we found another enemy we can safely chase with vengeance. Never mind all that chemical poisons, all that preservatives, unpronounced  synthetic vitamins, natural flavors(??????), sugars in everything we eat, yes, in everything, even in salt, even in cat food added for happiness of our poor domesticated four legged prisoners (but that is a different story).
  Now I am talking about human food. Food most of us have to buy, because we live in cities and towns with no means to grow it. Most of us urban citizens don't even know how.
We work, earn money, go to the store. Lot's of stores around. They decide what we eat and how much we pay for it. Well, I do not mind eating less salt, I am sure it's good for your health. What I do mind, really, that before cutting that natural thing that we've been eating for centuries, before trimming all possible fat from everything, before discarding butter (a very tasty product) from our table, why don't we throw away all that artificial legally approved stuff first? We only recently (like couple of centuries) learned how to add it to our food to make it bad for us and our children.
  We do not need artificial preservatives added to our food. There are some natural products that preserve well. Sugar should not be near our spices, meat, fish, milk products, etc. Some products should be salted more, some can be marinated or dried.
  You need some natural fat in your diet - you will eat less and get some fat-soluble vitamins in it. When my mother was young  America used to chase communists. Now witch-hunt is on American table.
  Here in Canada it happens too. We are alert! No passaran! They shall not pass! We'll be eating all that cr*p we are eating but without fat and salt. Hurray!!! Keep going America, keep going Canada. We do not need fat in our food, we have enough on our bodies already and it's growing. One more thing we need - to declare officially that fat ladies are beautiful, fat gentleman - manly and strong.  Your fat butt and boobs falling out of your skimpy Chinese clothing -  that's  proper and fashionable; and sugary drinks - national past time. Long live fat Canadian citizens (if you can, of course), just don't tell me it's in your genes because everything is in your genes, you have to chose what you need.
Tell me what you eat and mainly what you don't because somebody decided for you what you should eat and how. Witch-hunt is in full swing... Time to go grocery shopping.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May be we should stop this 'made in China' madness.

May be we should stop this madness. Think about it. Today everything you wear, use, look at (at least in my home) is made in China. And there is no end of it. China is big. B -i-i-i-g! They can and do produce EVERYTHING cheaply. So you can buy it, (can afford it, again, because it's cheap) and if you do not like it or it falls apart, you just throw it away and go and buy something else. Again, cheaply in most cases. And it's okay, really. As long as I can afford it I can buy something new all the time, use it a little bit, then buy more, more, more...
 It's just sometimes happens that you house full of junk and there is nothing you can really like or relay on because things, clothes, everything is so unreliable so... crappy, you just do not have trust in your stuff. Even furniture that should last for long time (in my assumption at least) falls apart in a year or two and you feel like somebody cheated on you big time.  Nothing really to keep, everything is just junk...
  Still as I said if you can afford to buy new things all the time it's okay, but...
  What I really-really do not like is that so many areas in Canada and others basically unemployed because there is no manufacturing, nobody produces anything. How much customer services do you need around in a small town? Not much. Not everybody can drive to a bigger town to get a job.
   I see so many people live in poverty or close to it in smaller towns in Canada and it makes me sad. May be we should close the borders to that junk  and say - that's enough. We can make plates and gadgets, dresses and furniture, pots and pans and everything else  in Canada. We do not need bring all that cr*p from China all the time. Let's produce it here, at home.
 What do you think?

Friday, February 22, 2013

You cannot eat anything you want!

When we (my family) came to Canada we did not know what you were supposed to eat here. In my old country with lots of shortages, deprivations and restrictions, with failing roubles and the whole system you were lucky if you actually had food on your table. Any food.
 With all fairness if you had food it was usually good, natural, wholesome. I am not sure about now, things change quickly.
 I had no idea that it might be any different though, that food might be composed from unnatural ingredients with natural so little in it and altered so much that food is actually bad for you. Food that makes you sick. Actually not just sick. If you eat it on a regular basis you'll become ill, very ill, sometimes terminally ill and then you have to go to the doctors for treatment but that is another story.
 For now we are talking about food only. Mainly about what I call 'unfood'. You can buy 'unfood' in any big or small store, market, anywhere where they sell food. It's hard to recognize because it may look exactly like food, smell like food even taste like food. Your taste buds might not know that it's not food and let you eat it and even enjoy the process of eating but not the rest of the process. Here, in Toronto we have shelves full of that nicely packaged 'unfood'.
Sometimes it might be very addictive, and after a couple of times you might crave it more and more, and when you are eating it, you'll consume more of it than if you were eating regular wholesome food and feel hungry very soon again because your stomach is full but you body obtains nothing in terms of nutrition and very often has to deplete the existent resources of minerals and vitamins in your body in order to get rid of 'unfood', somehow digest it.
Think about most common food we eat - bread. Historically it was a meal in itself. A piece of bread you could carry around in your pocket. It might become dry but it's still edible. With a glass of wine and a piece of cheese, with a bowl of hot soup if you've got lucky, your bread goes a long way and saves you from hunger on a long trip anywhere. When I hear now and then that you should not eat bread if you want to lose weight, I can only smile but it's a sad one, because it's true. Bread, that wonderful tasty nourishing product made from all kinds of grains and so good and tasty right from the oven, the way it is made now is no good for us any more.
 Now our clever food industry turned it into 'unfood' (together with potatoes, milk, juice, and, sadly, many other products). And if you eat 'unfood' you have to gain weight, because your body has to collect all water possible to protect your organs from harmful ingredients in 'unfood'. Don't staple your stomach, just stop putting bad stuff in it. You bleach old towels and napkins, you should not bleach flour! If you put preservatives into flour, then into bread, then into a bread package, then into margarine you add to that bread, then to artificial flavor you added to that bread, what do you expect? Well, the shelf life of this bread might be very long, but is your life going to be long and healthy after eating that product that looks like bread, smells like bread, tastes like bread(sort of), but...
I can tell you something. If you look in the mirror and see a doughnut with arms and legs instead of a human body, you body is desperately trying to tell you something, you just don't listen to it. And that means only one thing - most of your meal is 'unfood' and the sooner you get rid of it  - the better.
 Go on Internet,  lots of information there. About cola, French fries, how they are made, what ingredients are in there, how juice is made, how long you can keep it on a shelf, everything.
Think, use your brains.
Do you see all those bottles of juices are kept openly on shelves for months without refrigeration, and  there is a note that says that juice have 25% of juice in it!? What do you think is the rest of it? Just water? Not so fast! You have to think about shelf life and profits. We cannot afford to spoil products, big industry needs big profits. Don't worry, everything is FDA approved, all that crap they feed you... Particularly funny when I read 'this product is made without sugar'. Wonderful! Now instead sugar they put some chemical, FDA approved substitute that might(should) be even worse than sugar and more addictive.
I could continue forever but I won't, because I want you to stop and look into your own plate and ask yourself,  'what the hell am I eating?' And remember you cannot eat anything you want, because like it or not, you already are conditioned by big industry to eat wrong things and your are addicted to them!