Thursday, October 24, 2013

These everyday things should be illegal in my opinion.

  We are so accustomed to certain environment, certain way of behavior that we do not see and comprehend sometimes what's going on under our nose. What these simple things do to us, to our senses, our health, our stability - mental and physical. As soon as people get used to have those things around that's it. You just cannot get rid of it no matter how bad it is. I'll explain.

 Every morning I get up and go to work. Yes, every morning, no weekend breaks for me right now.      Because I do not have days off, I am trying to find hours off, - time when I can unwind, breathe fresh air, think about something pleasant, call my friend, etc. I usually do not read on a bus. I am trying to close my eyes and relax, thinking about something other than work. Often I try to walk from my work  at least  part of my way, as it is far from the place I live and again just mentally concentrate on something nice and not to think about bad or mundane everyday things.

 People who travel north of Steeles in Toronto know how easy it is if you are using bus service. Very often I have to stand at the bus stop for 20 minutes or more waiting for a bus, usually I am surrounded by clouds of smoke from somebody who is equally waiting for the same bus and smoking right in front of me, or behind me. It does not matter, because we breathe the same air and I have to smoke together with him/her whether I like it or not. All I can do - step aside but I still can smell that foul poisonous stuff and inhale some of it too.When he or she finishes, the stub will be thrown on the ground and left there to pollute our big city and it's environment.

If I had  my wish I would make smoking illegal anywhere. That's it, no more, and if you smoke - pay big fine for pollution, for ruining your health and others' who are near you. Will it ever be possible? Not in my life time I am sure. People still think it's okay to smoke and leave that poisonous residue for birds and small animals on the ground. Who cares? I do, actually.

  I hate when people poison themselves with smoke, or with drinks like cola, that (they say) has some secret ingredient in it. I do not know about the secret one, but when I read all those things on a label they have to admit they put in it, I do not want anybody to drink it. It does not sound like a drink that's made for human consumption. That stuff should be illegal too. Drink coke - pay a fine, put it into your children mouths - pay even more. Though you'll probably pay for that later with their health ruined by you any way. Doctors will never tell you that . If you come to them with  complains about your health, they will speak about environment, general pollution, genetic problems, new age diseases,  and don't worry, they have pills for everything. But be prepared, if your child drinks cola, (diet, shmiet, any cola) - you are contributing to his ill health for sure. Drinking cola should be illegal. Period!
Do you call it progress?
These things should be illegal too. -  Almost every morning I go through local plaza to the bus stop. Those guys are working hard, making lots of noise, polluting environment with gasoline fumes from running motors, with very little effect as a result. They just blow dirt, dust, pieces of paper back into the air for poor passers-by to breathe in. A pair of rakes could do much better job, with much less pollution and damage to my ears. These instruments of torture should be thrown out into the garbage and not allowed to use. Ever!
                                              May be I am too naive, may be I
Do you have to eat me?
should see the progress and not complain.  But I do complain. I complain about things that don't have to exist in contemporary world, things that are
cruel, damaging and senseless like eating meat for example. That should be illegal too. Yes, yes, burger lovers! Just think for a moment, please. Every peace of meat was yesterday a living being, not human but still living and did not want to be dead and eaten by anybody.
This piece of meat could be running today around enjoying fresh air and sun and society of equal beings, not human but still beings and you took it away to satisfy your relentless hunger that could be easily satisfied without killing animals, without eating them. Do not say I am crazy, I just want you to think for your own good. There are other options. We can make our life better. We just have to stop for a moment and think about it, and may be start doing things differently and you know, smart thinking can never possibly be illegal, at least not in Canada as far as I know.

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