Saturday, December 26, 2015

I think the story of a reluctant immigrant is almost over.

Hi, everybody
Xmas Tree Means Snow Flakes And Greeting Stock PhotoI have been one reluctant immigrant for so many years in Canada (since 1992 actually). I severely criticized my newly adopted land without understanding it. Land that is so vast and so vastly different  and lovely that there is space and place for everybody and everything (minus jihads naturally).
   My path here was difficult and full of drawbacks, costly mistakes and real failures. I expected something different, I waited for something familiar. I longed to go back to Europe. Anywhere but here. It did not come through. I mean, my coming back.
  But something did come. I suddenly realized (fully realized) that instead of feeling deprived I should feel lucky. Lucky that I am in such a big country, territorial I mean, first and foremost that I can easily find or create my own place and space here without stepping on anybody's toes, without feeling that somebody is chasing me for one thing or another. No one cares and it's a good thing sometimes.
  It's a tremendous advantage of living in a large country where any jerk(I mean responsible citizen) can feel at home and live happily on a small paycheck and not feeling threatened by anything or anybody(minus terrorists of course).
   Sadly it can be changed. We could invite millions of refugees from alien culture and make hell out of living for everybody in big and small cities. That's what they've done in Europe.
  Who needs Syrian war, but it's still going on. That means that somebody needs it.
  Somebody feeds it with weapons and other stuff. Thousands and thousands of refugees are still flooding Europe. Most of them are not accustomed to Western culture and are not going to assimilate or be happy there.  I hope everybody who's deeply involved understands that.
  and that's the biggest problem. They will create their own religious conclaves in Europe and anywhere else because for them religion is everything first and they know how to demand their rights. Ordinary citizens in Netherlands are buying weapons as they are afraid that their government is not protecting them. Sad? Terribly sad!
  Can we still be safe and trust our government not to make stupid and damaging decisions? Those decisions are so costly. They are playing fire in Germany now; they could end up in a civil war in Germany, no one needs that I am sure.
   Life in Canada is very simple. We do not have lots of historical quality ancient buildings,nor do we have sophisticated lifestyles for most people(work,rest,sleep,weekend,cottage,lake,hockey,fishing,library,concert for lucky ones that's mostly it).
Canadian flag. It's just a leaf nothing more. How simple and it says volumes. We do not need a European sophistication here, sophisticated 'culture'. Our culture is very simple - to live and to let live; to be what you can be and nobody requires you to be different.
  We ( I like to say 'we' now) do not give promises we cannot fulfill. We cannot help everybody, let's give a quality help for some lucky ones.
   This year is coming to an end. It was not a happy one for so many, but there is always hope that next year will be better.
  Let it be better and hopefully we do not need weapons for everybody, that my country can protect me. This IS my country and I am a part of it. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everybody!
  And let's not think about bad things and forget about the second bag from Santa. We'll manage. We always do.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What's going to happen to civilized world after invasion of Europe and America by muslim refugees?

    I think civilized world is playing a very dangerous game now. Well, in all fairness we did not started it. Or did we? Well, may be some political players contributed heavily but surely nobody wanted this outcome - mass exodus of religious fanatics to civilized world. Who gave them that idea -Jihad? Germany? Who(and they say Germany did)) promised to take everybody in? How many - 1, 8, 10 millions?  Surely, not everybody?!
  They probably did not expect as much as it is now happening and it's not stopping soon. Mass media have a blast I am sure. Big pictures of suffering people trying to get some help. Refugee camps. And most of them healthy young people who could stay at home and fight with enemy for their freedom, not to run cowardly with their constantly pregnant wives demanding better life and privileges from Europe, same Europe they always hated so much. But silly me, may be it's just plain and simple invasion. To establish their religious world in Europe, build their temples, have their own rules and demanding from everybody to follow them or else death! Allah is waiting!
   Put the rest of the world on their knees and make them slaves to their religion. They can multiply fast - couple of generations and all world will be theirs. Every woman will be covered, wrapped like a doll in a cocoon of dark sheets and a mullah will be calling everybody to pray 7 days a week, five times a day. Work? Who needs it - god and government will provide. Is it our future? I hope not!
  Fanatic is always stronger, he wins because he does not care about his own life or life of the others. All those crowds of determined deeply religious people from alien culture, they are not going to assimilate or work hard - they will make sure that they get all privileges they can possibly get from hateful "godless"society and some more, because Allah is right and you, schmucks will be in a big ditch and you'll never know what hits you - it will be so fast. It's already happening in Europe, just read the news.
   It's a big trouble to civilized world. Very dangerous situation, for sure. What Canada is going to do now,  - take from poor and give it to a refugee who has even less ? - That's the million dollar question. I despise all those crowds. If they are so desperate, why didn't they stay and put fight for their freedom and better life? All those young healthy man. Imagine for a second: when the II World War started and after Hitler invaded Russia - all whose Russian soldiers suddenly drop their weapons, grab their children, mothers, fathers, brothers, cats and dogs and run for their life to America as refugees to look for a better life and to escape the war. Funny, hey? No, they stayed and put the greatest fight and won it. And millions gave their lives for their freedom. That's what a Man should do, if he is a man not a chicken. I think society in Canada has been  politically correct for too long. Now we have to change that if we want to survive as a civilized society at all. Something to think about.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Parallel worlds

    I was thinking recently. I know, I know this is a very stupid habit of mine. No, seriously, I was thinking about inequality of people's lives.
   We all live in parallel words. One world is our real everyday life. We need food, shelter, meaningful occupation, something to be busy with and be happy or content with it. We need to earn money! Another world is our dreams, make believe world.
  I think lots of immigrants live in a fantasy world. They come with dreams and visions about better life and those dreams create the ideal or close to the ideal world they live in... their head. When I'll get status...When I'll get a proper education, job, business... When I'll retire...
When I'll get married, buy a house...When my children  grow up...
   We live in this fantasy world for years, sometimes without realization that real life goes on and passes by so fast  that unless we jump from this phantom dream bandwagon into reality and start living this real life and now - we might never be able to accomplish anything worth dreaming about.
   We have to live now and if we do not like our current life - change it now - not when something else happens. I always remember that legendary guy in my old country who lost both his legs during second World War and managed to become a pilot again. That guy did not live in his fantasy world, he managed to accomplish his impossible dream and live it.
   When I see young people with both arms and legs and reasonably healthy living in extreme poverty and unable to find a job to support themselves decently, I always want to ask,'What kind of world are you living in? Why?'
   In real world every day is a fight - with everything that prevents you to live fully and happily on this planet. We have to be brave and strong and never give up if we want to accomplish something. And if you don't want to fight? Well, civilized society is not going to let you die hungry on the street. But don't expect much, let's face it - you are not entitled to much, unless you've earned it.
    And for that you have to get up early and go, and if you've failed today, try again tomorrow, as long as you are alive. It's very simple, I think.
   Okay, I understand that your start up might be different if you are a recent penniless immigrant or if you have family money to back up your needs.
   World of some rich celebrity and mine, they are completely different, they indeed parallel without any connection to each other. World of some drug addict living on a street is completely different from mine, or some native person's, who is living deep North on god knows what and how.
   It was such an eye opening for me when I realized how much real poverty exists in Canada in remote places, where people live with bad education, no jobs, no money and under local very strong peculiar traditions that hold them tight and permanently in that state (of poverty and ignorance).
    This parallel world I do not want to be part of, and it's a shame that we have it in existence in Canada. We help everybody around the world. What about helping people who are part of our history?  Not with money as you never know where these money might end up, in what big pockets and fast greedy hands.
   Start with real education. About self esteem, health, money, civilization, all necessary skills to survive and to prosper. Can we do that? Is it so hard to accomplish? To have the greatest schools on Indian reserves, so in future we do not have any reserves, just areas where anybody can live if he wants to. And be proud of it.
   Is this too much to ask? Talking about parallel words, recently my son's friend died suddenly. No one knew he was living on a street, homeless, even his parents had no idea. Everybody failed him - society, his parents and he, himself. I felt so guilty and hopeless. Such unnecessary tragedy. Next time I pass somebody sitting on the pavement in downtown may be I should stop and ask him why...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Why people in Canada so reluctant to dress properly in winter?

Winter night in Toronto, nice to be out in a warm coat...
   That keeps bugging me. I don't know why. It's clearly none of my business if some stupid people want to get frost bites or just plain good old pneumonia.
   Why do I care? I don't know. It's just so frustrating when I see somebody trembling on a bus stop without a hat or warm coat.
   And what is it about hats that Canadian people so reluctant to wear? They put on big fat mittens, layers upon layers of scarves but no hat? It's like going swimming in your pajamas if you understand what I mean.
  It's so much pleasanter if you have a warm hat and winter boots and a nice thick winter coat that is very well insulated with natural fibers presumably, otherwise it is not warm. No synthetic fiber is going to replace natural fur or feathers(down).
   I have both and if it is -20C all that synthetic fur is no match to natural one, not even close.May be it's a matter of money. If you do not have money to buy real warm coat, you have to be without one and just bravely face the cold. Well, I certainly understand that but nice warm hat is much less costly. I bought mine at second hand store for $5. 100% mohair and very warm.
   May be people in Canada just think that somehow next winter will be less cold. It cannot possibly be that cold again. Well, it will be unfortunately and you better be prepared beforehand and spend some money on winter clothing. Can you?

Monday, January 12, 2015

This is not about Charlie, guys...

Freedom of expression
   People died for a joke. Bad joke in itself. But is it really about Charlie, tasteless satire, freedom of expression etc.?
  Please, people, don't forget that poor guys who died at supermarket did not drew any jokes. Nor a boy soldier in Canada who happened to be on guard near Parliament in Canada at the wrong time.
  This is not about certain people; it's about power. Any religion wants dominance over the world, some want it more than others. Western democracy on the other hand shows way too many weak spots. It failed big time, same as socialism and communism failed in so many countries.
   At this point I am not sure what we need. As a society we cannot be free as there are always people who want to run us down, who want to establish different kind of society with medieval laws, strict religion and behaviors. And democracy cannot fight this because we do not have enough power that could be equal to those ancient medieval traditions that are so alien to us.
   And another thing. So many people  are already here, comfortably established with all those ancient laws and strict religion. And they are allowed to live freely among us without restrictions and without any necessity to integrate. And this is a huge mistake I am sure.
   INTEGRATE OR GO HOME! That should be the first law of immigration. Your medieval rules should be left at the border, when you come to Western world. No one with civilized mentality that was nurtured and cultivated here in this country is not going to buy a gun and go shoot people to avenge God unless he is mentally deranged after taken drugs too many!
  There is no such thing as multiculturalism that can coexist peacefully. If you have too many aliens with mentality, religion, philosophy that is entirely different from yours and totally alien to you and your government says it's okay, we can exercise multiculturalism, do as you please, then what do you expect?
  Those guys who killed people in France just exercised their cultural  and religious rights to kill the infidels and to avenge their God. They don't care about your beliefs and laws, because you let them  live in your country and allowed them to do what they want.
  They don't care about your society or your people. They mentally do not live in France (or Canada). They live in their own country they originated from.
  And we as a system allowed them to do that. To eat our bread and piss at our country. On this exact occasion - to eat our bread and shoot our people. Anybody, whoever is the closest. They probably do not know what satire is, they are so not here you know.

  You are welcome. We are tolerant people. We will demonstrate with pencils in our pockets. And if you shoot too many of us, we will catch you and give you a free room and board for life.
   Enjoy our freedom and democracy, we like to share.

Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 has to be a better year.

   2015 is here. How did it happen so quickly? Are we any better? healthier? richer?
 We talk about health more now, that's for sure. We have more "organic" (who knows what it means really?) stuff around.
We(generally speaking, I don't) still smoke a lot. Poor smokers are being pushed around by legislation. Soon they probably have to go to the Moon to smoke (he-he), not that I pity them. When they stuff their lungs with foul smoke, they stuff mine too if I happen to be around.
 Sometimes on a bus stop I have to step aside quite far from the actual stop in order not to breathe the smelly poisonous whiff.
  People do not see the connection.They think they will be healthy forever and cancer is something that happens to other people. Well, when you've got a cancer it's kind of late to quit. Why not do it now?
  Well, procrastination is a big problem, or laziness, I don't know what is more here in effect. I do not smoke but I have my share of bad food.  Bad food is your enemy. It's like a terrorist inside your body. I like it fast and fatty, and then suddenly there is just too much of me in this world.
  When you eat for two and do not exercise, very soon you have two of you in one person. You need two chairs to sit on a bus or anywhere else and lots of fabric to make your clothing...
   Once I was sitting on a bus in front sit and this lady that you would call very obese came on.  I was very tired and did not want to get up to give her an extra sit. One sit close to mine was free but I thought, 'no way you can fit in there and I am older than you anyway, I am not getting up for you.'  Never mind, she came close to me turned around and sat right on me, expecting probably that I will get up for her! I freed myself somehow from her enormous rear end,very annoyed and embarrassed. But she was not embarrassed, not in the least. She even said thank you to me! That Canadian sense of entitlement...
  Well I think I stepped away from my topic. I hope 2015 will be better. I hope we will learn to be smarter and healthier. That we will be more diligent with our money and food, more careful with our credits and more vigilant toward people we call Canadians...
   Last year showed very clearly that we cannot trust everybody. Some people clearly come to Canada for bad reasons and we have to remember that. No more night walks for me. I do not believe in safety in Canada anymore. I do not want to end up with my head cut off as an scary example to the public. Terrorism used to target rich and powerful. Now everybody is at risk. I hate terrorism, but it's a fact of life now. So, try to be healthy, happy, and prosperous for a change. We all need that I am sure.
Happy New Year to everybody! Stay safe.