Yes,I went to No Frills, as I wanted to buy something for my potato salad. I had some pickles, green onions at home and I decided to buy some pickled (marinated) olives as I like them with salads. I took a small jar, not expensive, nothing fancy, just stuffed green olives for a dollar something. I was about to put it into my shopping basket that already had some greens in it. But then I decided to read the label on the jar. I did not expect anything but salt, vinegar and olives. Boy, I had a surprise! Yes it said olives,vinegar,salt all right and 3 or four foreign sounding ingredients extra that sounded suspiciously like bunch of preservatives and something that had a brief commentary to it "to help maintain freshness". And what the heck is 'natural flavor'?
Stupid me! I always thought that only fresh, not spoiled food can maintain freshness. Do we need to swallow chemicals in order to eat unspoiled food? May be we should change the way we cook and preserve food instead of adding 'unfood' to it, what do you think?
I tried to find another jar of olives. I checked different brands and more expensive ones to no avail. They all had 'unfood' in it. So I decided I can live without olives this time. May be next time somebody will sell me something that has just olives and vinegar, and salt. As it used to be. As it used to be in my old country where if there is not enough food you can buy at the store, you can go to a farmers market, check around and sure enough - some old granny is selling her tasty preserves to people. I need that granny here in Canada, because this monstrous conglomerate that's called Food Industry is selling me poison. One pinch at a time, here and there, in this and in that until I have cancer, or heart attack, or something equally nasty. Don't tell me it's okay, it's a small amount. It's not okay. People eat lots of preserved food because it's fast, convenient and we just sometimes need time for something else, rather than spend our life in the kitchen preparing everything from scratch. You open a can and part of your meal is already prepared. Saves time for rest or study, or work for that matter. Give us that time but please, do not feed us 'unfood' - we deserve better, we earned it.
I found this label on Internet with right ingredients in it. That's how things should be. Organic or not. I wonder how much these beauties cost though... Can I afford healthy food?
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