You can live here till very old age and be happy.
But people still die young.http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/09/2-charged-in-canada-cyberbullying-case-that-ended-in-teen-girl-suicide/ They kill themselves young because they are very unhappy and don't know what to do.
How does this happen that having food and nice clothes and good spacious comfortable home is not enough any more? Even being good looking and healthy is not enough. Why do we so pissed off with everybody and ourselves that nothing satisfies us and we are looking for some unrealistic perfection in everything and everybody and if we cannot find it we rather kill ourselves than live our ordinary "plain" lives? I am talking about all those 12-14-17 year-olds who are killing themselves just because somehow somewhere somebody insulted them too deeply, too unbearable for them to live. It's not supposed to happen. It is plainly wrong. Or is it just boredom? Or is it just that kids are too vulnerable and we grown ups keep forgetting about that?
We are too busy with our jobs, businesses, our own problems, our health, stress, keeping up with society we live in. We need cars, houses, furniture, more furniture, clothes, more cars, our gadgets, aphones, bphones, cphones and so on...
I remember times when apple was just a fruit and I did not need $500 to buy it. I always thought that having a car is a luxury and in the country I live in ( I am not talking about other countries I know nothing about) it is a necessity and status like university diploma sort of. Who cares if it puts you in total debt and in 5 years it will be total junk especially if you bought an old one, you still must have one. And if you have a brand new, it means you have a loan because who can buy a brand new car for cash?
I waste lots of time just waiting for a bus every day and in bad weather it's not a joke. I am thinking every day: should I buy a car or should I move or change a job may be? Well we always have
problems in life - big and small, important, serious and trivial, easy to solve.
There is no easy life for anybody. Why do we always try to be perfect and consciously or subconsciously demand it from our kids too? Or is it just our stress, we want so much and there is not enough time and look at him he's again left dirty dishes, or got poor report at school or did not call or... May be we should all have less, and stop being so perfect so much, and mainly stop demanding that perfection from others.
May be we can have those slack days and those extra inches on our belly and not work 2-3 jobs and just spend some time with people we love, not in front of our gadgets speaking to people who abuse us and our time so profoundly? Whom we don't even know? But who have authority, permission given by us to abuse and insult us and our children and to drive those innocent souls to suicide while those evil people are laughing and enjoying deadly effects they created? May be we all should find the way to be happy with less?
From the advertisement: Black Gucci purse retails for 2000$
Yours for 1000$
Beige Gucci Abbey retail 800
Yours for 400
Burberry purse retail 800
Yours for 400 A purse for $400? And it is a discount?Who cares what label you have on it as long as it is convenient to use and looks nice? We should stop, we should stop, it's not too late.We don't need that much stuff and that expensive.http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2012/12/28/ask-the-readers-why-will-you-teach-your-children-frugality/ Go and talk to your child, spend more time with him/her, show him who you are and how nice you can do things together. I am sure he needs that more than iphone even if he thinks differently now.
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