
We have warm clothing, plenty of places to buy food, transportation - personal or public and shelters. We are getting relaxed. We trust. If it says 'diet' we think it's good. But...
There are so much hidden elements that may spoil, endanger and ruin your life and those elements do not look like wild beasts at all; and their threat is much more hidden, gentle; and sometimes it takes years to realize, to fully understand what exactly threatens you not less than a wild beast.
Everything is about safety nowadays - safe water and plenty of it.
It's so clean, amazingly transparent,it does not smell, it is tasteless, odorless and seemingly good liquid. We consume it freely, we give it to our children and pets, we drink it from a tap without fear of becoming sick or poisoned by polluted water. Should we? Or should we not?
We go to a store. Every product is sealed securely, labelled properly. You can read all the ingredients, calories, percentage of everything on a label. The product is in convenient portions and in colorful, inviting, appetizing containers. It has expiration date so you don't have to worry about eating the spoiled products. You trust your food industry, they know the best,they are professionals. They would never sell you a bad product. As soon as it is past expiration date, it is removed from shelves and destroyed - you can rely on that. Can you?
That's what we all do, well, up to the point. Then we start asking questions. Why? Why my son suddenly gains weight and have dizzy spells(which his doctor calls migraines though he never has headaches, ever).
We eat normal Canadian healthy food - why do we all gain weight? Is it because we are immigrants and used to different food? Or is it something more sinister in all this?
How to fight this?
You start reading food labels. You see that under all that colorful pictures there is the product that contains lots of chemicals that are absolutely unnecessary to your nourishment. Okay, may be they are not harmful in small dozes, but what if you eat them day, after day, after day and add other small ingredients of unnecessary chemicals from other food products that are lased with all that stuff that keeps them fresh, appetizingly looking, smooth, sell-able for weeks and months.
Why do I care if the sour cream is smooth or not, as long as I know that this is a good and fresh product? Why do I buy a drink and in 2 months (?) forgotten on a kitchen table in summer weather with no refrigeration, not sealed, because somebody drank some of it, and it still tastes good and looks perfect??? Well I tried to drink it for mere curiosity and my stomach felt strange after but nothing happened, not even diarrhea... Long live our food industry, they know how to preserve products and us!
Well, I am not concerned about shelf life, I have refrigerator and I can go and buy some more products, I don't have to keep them for months and months.
And I prefer fresh stuff. Not artificially fresh, not chemically laden fresh, but really fresh. And it's shelf life is not going to be months but much less and may be we should learn to deal with that and freeze products when you can or buy them in smaller portions, I don't know.
I can tell you one thing - when I started to read all labels on regular everyday products I was so appalled, so disgusted because every single one had some ingredients and sometimes lots of them that are no supposed to be there at all. They do not have any nutritional value for me or anybody else.
I do not want my milk pasteurized and then laced with synthetic vitamins because natural ones have been lost in a process of pasteurization, I find it's extremely ridiculous.
I do not like ALL my milk products being made from pasteurized milk with all kind of weird added stuff. I want them to be made from raw, RAW MILK.
Sour cream, butter, cream, cheese - all that can give you lots and lots nutritional goodness, just do not add crap(chemicals) to it. Something should be done and soon or our children will never have healthy kids of their own and will never know what healthy life is.
Nowadays they talk a lot about organic food. Okay, organic is perfect but it is expensive and hardly affordable for most people. I certainly cannot afford it. But free run eggs I can afford. And clean, not chlorinated and not fluoridated water I can and I do. Recently I stopped drinking tap water and cooking in it (that one is harder but doable) and I will tell you next time how amazing it was to my health. That's the elements we have to fight in civilized society. We have to fight our own trust into our civilized rules of the game if you know what I mean. To survive in an urban jungle you have to be not less smart and resourceful than out there in the wild. Your tools have to be different though. You have to be alert and vigilant and...
well, let's put it this way. You get up in the morning from your chemically laden anti-inflammable mattress, clean you teeth with fluoridated paste, take your shower in fluoridated water, put on a clean shirt that was chemically dry cleaned, eat cereal full of preservatives and sugar with pasteurized milk, drink chemical juice or coffee made with fluoridated and chlorinated water... I think you've got it. After all that you cannot expect to be healthy. It's a miracle if you still are.
Annual check-ups are good too but it's not enough. You have to spend some time and really investigate what you are putting into your mouth every day and how you treat your body.
Is it a garbage disposal for food industry or is it your temple that will serve you loyally through your long and healthy life?
You just have to take care of it, protect it, really take care of it. It's your survival mode, you can do it if you want a good life. Fight the elements. Small things are important. Now. When it's not too late. When you are still healthy. Stay that way, please.
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