If you work minimum wage (and consider yourself lucky if you do because thousands cannot even have that!), and, as I said, if you have that minimum but you have some dependents or cannot work full time because of small kids etc, you are kind of doomed. And I will explain.
We have lots of cheap foods going around. You are not going to starve, but you are going to be very malnourished and loaded with bunch of chemicals and fillers instead of wholesome food - sadly but that all cheap food is famous for.
Regular tap water is fluoridated. Yes, I agree, it is safer, won't get some e coli, cholera or whatever you can get from contaminated water. But is it healthy, is it good for you? Of course not! As if a dose of chlorine in your water is not enough! But do you have a choice if you are poor ? Of course not. You cannot possibly buy water in bottles, or put reverse osmosis into your kitchen. So you drink what you can. Same with other food.
Juice, that stands for months on a shelf without spoiling, or bread, or milk or any other fresh product that lasts for months without noticeable changes - that does not sound natural. I have a package of bread on top of a microwave at work right now. Second month it has been there, no one bothers to throw it away, it still looks pretty good, I think somebody ate a piece of it yesterday. Is it a real bread, or is it just looks like one? If it walks like duck... no, not this time...
Everything produced by our food industry looks exactly like food, even if it is not, even if it's dangerous like hell to consume it. And don't think you can get away, that you somehow can eat all that non-food and stay healthy.
No amount of exercise will help, because food you put inside you every day is loaded with things that are pure chemicals and should be used for something else - to kill cockroaches for example, or rats, or bugs, but not your children, whom you give cola,"juice","milk","meat","snacks","water", "yogurt", clean their teeth with toothpaste that is loaded with same fluoride he just swallowed with his water. You put some sunscreen on him, that will be absorbed very quickly by his small body and is NOT good for anybody, especially children.
And don't tell me that those things are safe. They are here because they are cheap to produce and they make good profit. And you need them as dog needs flees. One more child with cancer? One more poor old lady with Alzheimer? Who cares! We need our millions in profits.
Recently I bought a toothpaste - all natural, no fluoride, no other bad stuff for $6 a piece. Regular 'Crest' you can buy for $1 on sale very often. Can a poor person afford that?
Same with shampoo. All natural - $15, loaded with crap - $2. Free run chicken costs $19, regular chicken legs - poor people's meat - $0.99 a pound. You can say, - what's your point? I don't know. Yes, we see more and more natural products around, but who can afford them? Not poor people for sure.
I know that it's very dangerous to be poor in Canada, no amount of free medicine or plenty of Shopper's Drug Marts on every corner can help. And doctor is not your friend. You have to help him to fill his own pockets, and if you and your children will be healthy, who is going to pay doctor's bills? He still needs to buy organic food for his children.
So, please, stay poor and sick for your doctor's sake. He really needs that money.
But sorry, this not about doctors. We should have plenty of cheap food in a civilized country, and it should be natural - as much as possible, and it is possible. People used to have food and preserve it for long time for centuries. I am sure, you do not need rat poison for that. That's my idea.
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