When we (my family) came to Canada we did not know what you were supposed to eat here. In my old country with lots of shortages, deprivations and restrictions, with failing roubles and the whole system you were lucky if you actually had food on your table. Any food.
With all fairness if you had food it was usually good, natural, wholesome. I am not sure about now, things change quickly.
I had no idea that it might be any different though, that food might be composed from unnatural ingredients with natural so little in it and altered so much that food is actually bad for you. Food that makes you sick. Actually not just sick. If you eat it on a regular basis you'll become ill, very ill, sometimes terminally ill and then you have to go to the doctors for treatment but that is another story.
For now we are talking about food only. Mainly about what I call 'unfood'. You can buy 'unfood' in any big or small store, market, anywhere where they sell food. It's hard to recognize because it may look exactly like food, smell like food even taste like food. Your taste buds might not know that it's not food and let you eat it and even enjoy the process of eating but not the rest of the process. Here, in Toronto we have shelves full of that nicely packaged 'unfood'.
Sometimes it might be very addictive, and after a couple of times you might crave it more and more, and when you are eating it, you'll consume more of it than if you were eating regular wholesome food and feel hungry very soon again because your stomach is full but you body obtains nothing in terms of nutrition and very often has to deplete the existent resources of minerals and vitamins in your body in order to get rid of 'unfood', somehow digest it.
Think about most common food we eat - bread. Historically it was a meal in itself. A piece of bread you could carry around in your pocket. It might become dry but it's still edible. With a glass of wine and a piece of cheese, with a bowl of hot soup if you've got lucky, your bread goes a long way and saves you from hunger on a long trip anywhere. When I hear now and then that you should not eat bread if you want to lose weight, I can only smile but it's a sad one, because it's true. Bread, that wonderful tasty nourishing product made from all kinds of grains and so good and tasty right from the oven, the way it is made now is no good for us any more.
Now our clever food industry turned it into 'unfood' (together with potatoes, milk, juice, and, sadly, many other products). And if you eat 'unfood' you have to gain weight, because your body has to collect all water possible to protect your organs from harmful ingredients in 'unfood'. Don't staple your stomach, just stop putting bad stuff in it. You bleach old towels and napkins, you should not bleach flour! If you put preservatives into flour, then into bread, then into a bread package, then into margarine you add to that bread, then to artificial flavor you added to that bread, what do you expect? Well, the shelf life of this bread might be very long, but is your life going to be long and healthy after eating that product that looks like bread, smells like bread, tastes like bread(sort of), but...
I can tell you something. If you look in the mirror and see a doughnut with arms and legs instead of a human body, you body is desperately trying to tell you something, you just don't listen to it. And that means only one thing - most of your meal is 'unfood' and the sooner you get rid of it - the better.
Go on Internet, lots of information there. About cola, French fries, how they are made, what ingredients are in there, how juice is made, how long you can keep it on a shelf, everything.
Think, use your brains.
Do you see all those bottles of juices are kept openly on shelves for months without refrigeration, and there is a note that says that juice have 25% of juice in it!? What do you think is the rest of it? Just water? Not so fast! You have to think about shelf life and profits. We cannot afford to spoil products, big industry needs big profits. Don't worry, everything is FDA approved, all that crap they feed you... Particularly funny when I read 'this product is made without sugar'. Wonderful! Now instead sugar they put some chemical, FDA approved substitute that might(should) be even worse than sugar and more addictive.
I could continue forever but I won't, because I want you to stop and look into your own plate and ask yourself, 'what the hell am I eating?' And remember you cannot eat anything you want, because like it or not, you already are conditioned by big industry to eat wrong things and your are addicted to them!
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