I've been in Canada for so long that I cannot imagine living in any other country. I don't know if it is good or bad - that feeling. My old native country looks so distant, so different.
My distant relative sent me a website address so I could get some information I asked her about. I read it but I could not understand a single word, I completely forgot Latvian language. So sad.
I was thinking about applying for Latvian citizenship, but without proper language it seems pointless. And another thing - in order to get Latvian citizenship I have to damp my Canadian one, smart, eh? I don't think so. In Canada I feel more protected anyways - from all elements, even natural.
Today natural elements in Toronto are particularly wet and nasty. I managed to get to work on time but wet and quite ruffled. Well, it's summer, so rain and wind will go away soon and we will have hot and humid dusty boring days to tolerate instead - as usual. I feel like I am losing some drive. I've been running for too long, running for survival. For 20 years in Canada I've never had a chance just to sit and think what exactly is my goal, what I am running for or against? What's up, doc? What do you want, little girl? Not so little by the way. I wonder when I finally stop and look at everything calmly and truthfully. It looks like there is no more reason to run so hard. I helped everybody who needed my help, I cannot do more, truly I can't. I need some rest, I need some time for myself, I need to sit and think, I wonder when...
Since I wrote this weather has changed. Today it is nice and sunny, not humid, not hot - perfect weather for a nice summer day. I wish I had a day off. May be I should pretend I am sick, but I am not so good at pretending. back to work then. So long!
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