First of all do not panic! It's bad, it's unpleasant, it's unpredictable, but it can happen to anybody.
Lost job is not the end of the world; you'll get another one. You should and you will, - it all depends on how badly you need one.
As I said: do not panic. Check your finances.
Ideally you should have some savings at least for a couple of months. Okay, if you still have some money and can pay your rent, mortgage, bills, car insurance - fine. Take a deep breath, have some rest for a couple of days, and start writing your resume - you’ll need it as soon as now.
Call people you know and get some referrals.
Call people you hardly know you might get some referrals too if you ask. You never know.
Once I was looking for a job. Suddenly a person called who knew my husband from ancient times to find out how he is doing, and after a brief conversation I asked for a referral for myself.
And you know, I actually got one.
I was invited for an interview, I did not get the job but I've got a chance.
If you do not have any financial cushion whatsoever - try to find a job fast (lot's of resumes, calls to organizations that are hiring don't be shy - there is nothing to lose.
If your prospects too slim you need to find ways to make some fast money - to sell something or simply downgrade. Try to find a temporary job through employment agencies or sell something valuable if you have, for quick cash.
At http://www.kijiji.com/ there are always some general labor jobs, worth considering.
Cleaning services for women and landscaping, security for men – why not?
Babysitting or telemarketing – it’s all good, when you do not have any money.
“AP Personnel” – Employment Agency on Steeles, I do not remember the exact address.
It's between Keele and Dufferin St. on Steeles West.
Girl by name Iris is a very nice person there (if she is still working there) and might help you. She helped me all right and I held a job for almost a year through this agency and a short one later. It was a manual, low paid job, but who cares, I needed one to pay my bills.
If you know somebody who speaks Russian, you can get some telephone numbers from Russian newspapers. They publish some job openings through agencies and carry ads directly from employers, and I found my current job through an ad in the Russian newspaper.
Unfortunately I cannot recommend any Russian agency (they all speak English by the way)right now, because so many of them closed their doors due to lack of jobs and slack economy.
You have to realize that your situation is not unique and everybody can be in your unemployed shoes.
At least we have welfare in Canada and you are not going to live on a street hungry and abused if you chose not to. But you have to be careful and exercise all options and don't wait for a job to fall from sky. It usually never happens in real life only in some Hollywood movies. And do not be too choosy, grab anything to survive, better job will come later, but you have to eat now. Am I right?
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