Winter night in Toronto, nice to be out in a warm coat... |
Why do I care? I don't know. It's just so frustrating when I see somebody trembling on a bus stop without a hat or warm coat.
And what is it about hats that Canadian people so reluctant to wear? They put on big fat mittens, layers upon layers of scarves but no hat? It's like going swimming in your pajamas if you understand what I mean.
It's so much pleasanter if you have a warm hat and winter boots and a nice thick winter coat that is very well insulated with natural fibers presumably, otherwise it is not warm. No synthetic fiber is going to replace natural fur or feathers(down).
I have both and if it is -20C all that synthetic fur is no match to natural one, not even close.May be it's a matter of money. If you do not have money to buy real warm coat, you have to be without one and just bravely face the cold. Well, I certainly understand that but nice warm hat is much less costly. I bought mine at second hand store for $5. 100% mohair and very warm.
May be people in Canada just think that somehow next winter will be less cold. It cannot possibly be that cold again. Well, it will be unfortunately and you better be prepared beforehand and spend some money on winter clothing. Can you?