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A simple drink - glass of water |
How naive. Well I am immigrant. What do I know? I have to survive - I came to Canada without money. I have to take care of my family and I did not see the reason not to trust. Authorities know better - they've built such a beautiful country. They know the best.
Well, appears it is not completely true. People are people everywhere. They pursue their own interests first and foremost. Interests where big money involved and big companies have large investments. Not a small poor schmuck. Even if he gets sick and dies - we have to see a big picture. Everything should be nice and smooth and quiet. No revolution, no drastic changes. Just little poison here and there and if you have a problem with that - go to your doctor. We have plenty of them in Canada, especially in big cities like Toronto.
Well, you might ask,what are you talking about?
I am talking about my decision not to drink tap water anymore. I can afford that if I'll be frugal enough and use it sparingly. No pasta cooking of course. Everything will be steamed or baked or cooked with a little of real water, that one I have to buy at the store, not the one from my tap. That chemical concoction my health cannot endure any more.
I am not going to tell you to do the same, you might be still young and can tolerate a bit of poison they put it in water. I cannot do that. I want my heart to be healthy. I do not want it to be fluoridated or chlorinated (or whatever else 'nated')up to my ears.
Since year 2000 I was suffering from severe fibrillation attacks that was simply unbearable because there is no cure from that and only large amounts of magnesium helped me somehow. By a complete accident I stopped drinking tap water and then stopped cooking with it - just to prove my son that tap or no tap water that fact does not make any difference.
Oh boy, I was wrong! It does make a difference, a huge one. I do not have any fibrillation attacks any more and take some magnesium when I remember to take it just for prophylactics. My heart works like a good oiled Swiss watch.
I am not telling you to run and do the same, I am not a doctor, I do not have any financial interest in promotion bottled water. I am just a happy person who found something good and now shares it with you. Make your own decision and have a good life.
Canada have many good qualities, only tap water is not one of them. It looks good though, it's been fooling me for 20 years but not anymore. Well, let's put it this way - at least we do not give children fluoridated milk. In some areas of England they do that. Imagine - fluoridated water, milk, tooth paste everything in the name of health and progress and nice sparkling teeth!
Oh boy, oh boy, it's so reminds me of my good old (long departed) country of communism. Communism is dead but stupidity and bureaucrat-ism live for ever!
By the way you can check this link for the places in Canada where stupidity is a little bit less -