They told us that salt is bad for us, very bad. Now we can buy the same old processed food substitute (sorry, cannot call it food) with same amount of different FDA approved legal poisons in it but LESS SALT.
Finally we found another enemy we can safely chase with vengeance. Never mind all that chemical poisons, all that preservatives, unpronounced synthetic vitamins, natural flavors(??????), sugars in everything we eat, yes, in everything, even in salt, even in cat food added for happiness of our poor domesticated four legged prisoners (but that is a different story).
Now I am talking about human food. Food most of us have to buy, because we live in cities and towns with no means to grow it. Most of us urban citizens don't even know how.
We work, earn money, go to the store. Lot's of stores around. They decide what we eat and how much we pay for it. Well, I do not mind eating less salt, I am sure it's good for your health. What I do mind, really, that before cutting that natural thing that we've been eating for centuries, before trimming all possible fat from everything, before discarding butter (a very tasty product) from our table, why don't we throw away all that artificial legally approved stuff first? We only recently (like couple of centuries) learned how to add it to our food to make it bad for us and our children.
We do not need artificial preservatives added to our food. There are some natural products that preserve well. Sugar should not be near our spices, meat, fish, milk products, etc. Some products should be salted more, some can be marinated or dried.
You need some natural fat in your diet - you will eat less and get some fat-soluble vitamins in it. When my mother was young America used to chase communists. Now witch-hunt is on American table.
Here in Canada it happens too. We are alert! No passaran! They shall not pass! We'll be eating all that cr*p we are eating but without fat and salt. Hurray!!! Keep going America, keep going Canada. We do not need fat in our food, we have enough on our bodies already and it's growing. One more thing we need - to declare officially that fat ladies are beautiful, fat gentleman - manly and strong. Your fat butt and boobs falling out of your skimpy Chinese clothing - that's proper and fashionable; and sugary drinks - national past time. Long live fat Canadian citizens (if you can, of course), just don't tell me it's in your genes because everything is in your genes, you have to chose what you need.
Tell me what you eat and mainly what you don't because somebody decided for you what you should eat and how. Witch-hunt is in full swing... Time to go grocery shopping.