I think if you are moving from a warmer climate you should think in terms of tolerance, how much you are willing to stand it, the cold, I mean. In Canada, in Ontario especially, we have 4 distinctive seasons and we have to consider all of them, and to be prepared, and to be prepared beforehand. I already put out a small air conditioner in my window and keep it ready for occasion, though right now it is still +7C outside and rather windy.
It's spring now. I love spring in Canada. It is so short and nice. Either winter steals some of its beauty with cold nights and late snows, or summer with its untimely hot days and unexpectedly humid nights shortens it. Well, at least we do not have -40C in winter like Alberta has, so we should not complain here in Ontario. Usually seasons in Ontario (not going to vouch for all provinces) end up abruptly and quickly. So if it is May, you better buy and keep handy light clothes, fans, some cooling systems for sure. And if it is August, please, buy warm boots and winter jacket, you'll need them sooner than you think, as usual. A sight of a man in sandals and shorts when it is -10C outside is not inspiring to say the least.
I understand when you are from a country where there is no snow, no temperatures below zero, no frost, you might not realise that even if you have a car, you better have warm clothing too. Really warm.
In cold climate when it is close to -20C with wind, you need a good insulated warm coat and boots, and some warm hat too because most heat goes out from your body if you are not wearing anything on your head. You need a warm hat, scarf and coat and gloves or mittens. Then you will notice an interesting thing: it is not that cold in Canada actually if you are properly dressed. According to the season.