I am thinking, why don't our wonderful teachers teach us at school main basic skills of survival in this modern and complicated and stressful world?
This civilised world (and I will be talking just about the civilised part of it) full of things to do and to consume, to buy and to sell; things to make us happy, things to make us sick and kill us. Should we know how to navigate in this world successfully, without being lost in these urban jungles? We have to know mathematics and how to read and write, chemistry and geography, it goes without saying. But how about life skills? How about the ability to earn money? To have some classic education is not enough for that.
Should we know how to stay healthy, how to avoid poisoning our bodies and eco-system, how to be happy and prosper, and not to worry too much about unimportant things. We need to know in our stressful world how to survive without stress and depression, how to stay away from needless suffering and financial ruin, from failed relationship, from poverty .
Why some people can make it and prosper in this world and why others live in tears and misery? I am sure we all can do it successfully, we just need the right skills, life skills. We need just basic elementary lessons at school. Some basic life education is definitely missing from our curriculum.
"If I knew this 10 years ago..." If only I knew better..." But we did not. And sometimes it's too late. And sometimes we never know.
And sometimes society we live in just does not let us know or does not allow us to do this and that. And sometimes we are just not cut for it.
The world around us is changing rapidly. Jobs are more demanding and less in quantity.
Harder to find. Prices, inflation are out of this world. We still need to eat and live somewhere, to get somewhere we need transportation. We need to go faster and more skillfully. We need new ability to handle things. The East creates a new leader in economy - we have to adjust to that too.
We have to start teaching our children a few skills of survival in this world, not just pet and pamper them till they are 16 years old and full of drugs, infantile ambitions, inflated self esteems, computer games and absolute inability to survive, when desperate parents kick them out of the house into this vast and unfriendly world. They live on the streets with no place to go, no skills to use, other than stealing and prostitution. To spend 10 -11 years at school and be unable to make a living. Any kind of living! Isn't it pathetic? I think so.
12 years at school and all you know about life is how to use drugs? Or beg on the corner? You do not need any education for that!That means, we, parents and teachers, failed at one point. We do not deliver necessary skills, really necessary, that can protect our children and help them to survive. They really need that.
My life as an immigrant in a different country - Canada, adjustment, understanding and experience as I see it.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Back to the drawing board...
Well, I cancelled Distributel, with regret I should say, because I really needed a cheaper Internet connection, but their speed is too slow in comparison with Rogers. They were giving me 2Mb and Rogers 7Mb. I was afraid to lose some functionality on my computer.
I do not want a bad service, I want a good one.
Rogers is good. They just too darn greedy, they want us to pay for everything. I do not even want to try Distributel, because then it will be hassle to cancel and order again and question is open still: what should I order and what should I get for my money?
Distributel very decently returned my deposit without any delay and they earnestly told me about their speed, so I cannot complain. I just don't know, where should I go with my question and I still do not want to pay Rogers extra for my bandwidth.
It's enough, that they've caught me with that telephone contract for a year. I cannot cancel that without paying fines. Very smart move, Rogers. One more loyal customer for you, congratulations! May be I should join http://www.ihaterogers.ca/ as I am not the only one who is a"happy" customer of Rogers.
I am sure, that for the money they are charging us, they could at least educate us, stupid customers, sending us some informative brochures, explaining us how to use our connections to our advantage, what we need to have and why. Instead they make their plans large and complicated, but how many customers really understand, what they are paying for? Then they could really have loyal customers.
I hate wasting money and with this new technology I feel lost in space. I cancelled my cable TV, but now I am charged for bandwidth, I am not even sure what it is and how to measure it, but I am paying for it and it irritates me immensely.
I hate feeling stupid, but I do feel like that. Every time I try to save some money, I am getting something else to pay for. Is it my fault? Should I just use dial-up for my Internet connection and be happy with it? Am I missing something? Or am I just turning into informational junky and I need the Internet connection 24 hours a day like a dope for a real junky? May be yes, may be no.
I know that $100 a month turns into a thousand+ a year and I have to earn those money before I spend it. I better spend it good. So back to the drawing board... who's next on line to be my Internet provider?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
How I ordered a new Internet connection or...
...what's my mothers maiden name?
You might ask me: what is the link between Internet and my mother's name? I can tell you: it is very important to know it, because if you forget it, how you are supposed to get a new Internet connection or telephone line?
I am tired of good old Rogers. I've had it for 10 years I think(the Internet connection), and now with new technologies and companies, I need something new too, because old Rogers charges me more and more on top of it's current plan and other companies promise to give you more, at least it looks like it.
After some thinking and "googling"I called to Distributel, http://www.distributel.ca/ as they advertise unlimited bandwidth. Don't ask me , what it means, I do not know. Tried to learn, still don't know. Beyond my understanding, too stupid, I guess, technologically challenged, to be polite. But never mind. The fact is if it costs less, I'll take it. I need to save some money, at least money, that I do not have, because money that I have, well, not enough for anything.
Okay, to make long story short, I ordered their service on July 29 by phone. Today is August 5 and I am still waiting for somebody somehow to show up. Please, guys, show that you are genuine. Do something. Connect something to something, so I do not have to call you every day and diligently tell you my mothers name.
Are you absolutely sure, that you need to ask me it every day?
I've paid you already, just come,please.
No, life is not that simple. I have to call them again, today.
It's like a secret game, I just have to know the rules. I will call them and they will ask me my mother's name, as it is very important for them to know.
Do you want to know it too? No way! I cannot tell it. Its a very important secret between me and Distributel, ask them.
I already paid them $130 dollars for the right to ask me every day when I call them my mothers name. I hope one day they will get tired of asking me that, or may be they will remember it at last and just will come and connect me to a cheaper version of Internet.
I really and truly need it. Cross my heart, and hope to die, no kidding.
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