I am s-o-o-o-o-o tired. I moved. I cannot believe I did that.
I was contemplating to do that for 4 years(!), yes. I am like a scared cat, afraid of changes. May be I am sick of changes. I am clinging to what I have vs what I might loose. If it makes sense. Or may be I am just like an old cat who likes his dirty sofa in a dark corner...
Anyway, I did that. My new apartment bright and clean, my new home. Well, it's rented, but it's mine and I love it. A little bit small, well, not a little. But freshly renovated and bright.
Windows go south, so it will be probably hell - hot in summer. It's okay.
Most of my days I spend at the office with air condition at work anyway.
I still have my old stuff with me and my two cats. They are adjusting too.
And my two kids (though not kids, but for a mother her child is always a kid) still with me. There is a certain comfort to know that somebody still needs you. I would hate to come home to an empty space, though one day I probably have to face it, but not now, and I am happy about it.
I ditched my cable TV, I will try to live without it, and to save some money, and ditch my second job, so I can have some days for myself or for some Internet ventures may be.
I want to spend more time doing some creative work and write something more useful and share some ideas with others.
I see new MLMs being created, I am interested - just do not havetime to investigate. Well, it's life. You have to be patient. You have to be grateful for whatever you have already and just exercise your options however small they might me.
It's your fate, fate and virtue of a reluctant immigrant, a penniless one for sure.