Please, do not spit on my image and don't call me a f* atheist. It’s more complicated than that and I deserve to be heard.
I do not believe in God, as he is portrayed by church. But I do not believe in Darwin’s theory either. Standing in a Zoo and looking at pink bottoms of monkeys mopping in front of me in a cage, I cannot believe I originated from them, just kill me, before I do. Give me a break!
I do believe that somebody or something created us, just don't know who and why. Like some human germ that had been met with favorable conditions on this planet that allowed a human being to be developed and evolve into human race, that conditions made us what we are - very fragile and strong at the same time, unpredictable, vulnerable, capable of great love and sacrifice and unthinkable brutality and total destruction and self-distruction.
It has to be random and it has to an accident. No willpower could create us that imperfect, that capable of hurting others and ourselves. I am sure of that.
We are willing to kill another human being just because he does not speak our language and has a different life style. For any other stupid reason too.
We still have wars and people die everyday for some stupid ideology or just because somebody told them that this is good and noble. We kill young and beautiful people and send their coffins home to their grieving parents. At the same time we can sacrifice our life to save another human being!
People make themselves guinea pigs for scientific researches. Go great length to save others. Starve themselves so their children could eat. Struggle so other people live better.
We live in a terrible poverty among the world of abundance. We live homeless among palaces with more rooms than you could handle. We deny our children food when supermarkets display any possible products that produced by nature and human ingenuity and throw. Restaurants throw away tons of food just because no one wants to buy it.
Why? Could any reasonable being or super being create all that? He should be a real jerk to do this.
That's why I do not believe into divine creation. It should be random as I already said and it should be an accident. We all are pieces of nature's puzzle, elements of world's chaos and order. Can we evolve into something better - sure why not? How? I do not have the answer.
We have a great potential, I am sure of that. Of course to destroy is always easier than to build something, and laziness is our best friend, but still could we become better? I am sure we are getting there though rather slowly.
I am sure we have enough reason to preserve that planet of ours and us on it and to prove to the next generation, that there was a very strong reason to our presence in this world - to make world better if nothing else.